World Music Development


Gbarnga Community Learning Center

In 2012 and 2013, we were honored to be involved in the Gbranga Community Learning Center in Bong County, Liberia through the partnership with our friends at Hope for Children of Africa and Schools for the Children of the World. Many war affected children are in Gbranga and this center has provided creative educational programs that support their rich cultural heritage.

We assisted HFCA with fundraising efforts through events, and also collected musical instruments for the center. Read the full project report here. 

What is real peace?

Is real peace just the absence of war? Can real peace exist without proper education in a community? Can real peace exist without proper nutrition in a community? Can real peace exist without proper housing in a community? Can real peace exist without proper health care in a community? And, can real peace exist without a good economy in a community? We think not!


Create peace through music.


Enhance and enrich communities by integrating music into various aspects of life. This is ultimately achieved through global artist partnerships, comprehensive music programs, and unwavering support for nonprofit initiatives.

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