World Music Development is honored to partner with ONEHOPE Wine for a special fundraising campaign that supports our mission to foster community improvement and cultural understanding through music. By selecting a heartfelt gift from ONEHOPE Wine using the QR code in the image on this page, or by visiting the link here, you contribute to a cause that reaches across borders to touch hearts and change lives.
We are immensely grateful for the generous support of ONEHOPE Wine. Their commitment to philanthropy and community engagement mirrors our values at World Music Development, making this partnership a harmonious match. Together, we are dedicated to making a significant impact, and every bottle sold brings us closer to our shared vision of a world united through culture and art.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to Community Pay It Forward for providing us with a platform to share our mission and initiatives. Their dedication to supporting nonprofits and fostering community engagement is invaluable. By featuring World Music Development on their podcast, Community Pay It Forward has played a crucial role in amplifying our message and connecting us with individuals who are passionate about cultural enrichment and the arts. Their efforts to create a network of support for organizations like ours are truly commendable, and we are grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with such an impactful community advocate.
Visit Community Pay It Forward to learn more about their work and how they assist various causes in making a tangible difference in our communities.
Dive into our mission and hear about our exciting new initiatives on the Community Pay It Forward podcast. We discuss our partnership and future goals, giving you a deeper understanding of how every wine purchase supports our cause.
Make your way to our ONEHOPE Wine campaign page to choose from their excellent selection of wines. Celebrate Mother’s Day with a gift that supports cultural and community development around the globe.
Help us amplify our reach by sharing this campaign with your network. Every share, like, and mention expands our ability to enrich lives through music.
Is real peace just the absence of war? Can real peace exist without proper education in a community? Can real peace exist without proper nutrition in a community? Can real peace exist without proper housing in a community? Can real peace exist without proper health care in a community? And, can real peace exist without a good economy in a community? We think not!
Create peace through music.
Enhance and enrich communities by integrating music into various aspects of life. This is ultimately achieved through global artist partnerships, comprehensive music programs, and unwavering support for nonprofit initiatives.