Posted: September 30th, 2019 | 9:00 am
Our TRIBE Artist, Yaksta, will be live in Breckenridge on Friday, November 8 at the Breckenridge Riverwalk Center. This will be his debut show in the United States performing with a full band. He will be backed by such artists as Dan Africano (John Brown’s Body), Jonny Jyemo (Jyemo Club)…Â Purchase your tickets now.
Is real peace just the absence of war? Can real peace exist without proper education in a community? Can real peace exist without proper nutrition in a community? Can real peace exist without proper housing in a community? Can real peace exist without proper health care in a community? And, can real peace exist without a good economy in a community? We think not!
Create peace through music.
Enhance and enrich communities by integrating music into various aspects of life. This is ultimately achieved through global artist partnerships, comprehensive music programs, and unwavering support for nonprofit initiatives.